Thursday, October 13, 2011

I Am Link

--- Oooh! Oooh! Oooh! This is cool news! Cool news indeed! The band Metric, who I adore, are doing the soundtrack to David Cronenberg's next movie Cosmopolis! The adaptation of Don Delillo's book, yes, starring Robert Pattinson and Juliette Binoche and Samantha Morton, amongst others. The last time Metric put their music into a movie we got the show-stopper "Black Sheep" in Scott Pilgrim.

--- Prove Your Metal - Jose Padilha, the director of the upcoming Robocop remake, says he's never read Darren Aronofsky's almost-made script, and that his version will be very very different from what Aronofsky wanted to do with the project.I'm sad we'll never see Darren's take, but nothing will ever top Paul Verhoeven's anyway, I says. He's who you need to worry abut, dude!

--- Snow Beard - Donald Sutherland was photographed on the red carpet this week sporting an enormous gray beard and bouffant of a hair-do, and MNPP pal Jarett theorizes this could be the look he's rocking as President Snow in The Hunger Games.

--- All About Abbey - Rich's take on Downton Abbey over at fourfour had me in stiches. I don't think I ever would've described what these characters do as "chuckling" quite so thoroughly, but sure, it fits.

--- Double Dicking A Dictator - Here's a sort of random real world news story that I can bring back around to my favorite of topics. One of Saddam Hussein's doubles - the guys he used as a stand-in lest there be an assassination attempt - was recently kidnapped, and his kidnappers attempted to force him to perform in a porn movie so they could market a posthumous Saddam sex-tape. Naturally this should make us think of The Devil's Double, and how I wish this had been a scene included with Dominic Cooper therein. Re-shoots at my house! (thanks Melanie!)

--- Hop On Bond - Javier Bardem is the Big Bad in Sam Raimi's Mendes' James Bond movie, which we've sort of known for awhile, but has finally been confirmed. And yes, he and Daniel Craig need to make out at some point, this is a given.

--- Bug Me - Twitch takes a look at the newly released BluRay for Guillermo Del Toro's director's cut of Mimic, which they rave and rave over. I've always loved Mimic, even in its old form, so I'm dying to see this new more-approved version.

--- And finally, here's a new short film from Trick 'r Treat director Michael Dougherty set in the same wonderful world as that movie! Cool beans, y'all! Relatedly, I really need to rewatch TrT, it'll get me right into the spirit of the season. (via)


SeangSTM said...

I think you mean Sam Mendes on Bond 23, not Sam Raimi. Although upon further reflection, that would kick whole buttloads of ass.

Jason Adams said...

Ha, you're right of course, Mendes it is, my brain hiccuped. I will fix that. But now I want NAY NEED a Raimi Bond movie. Just imagine!