Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Xavier Dolan Seven Times


Finally got around to seeing Heartbeats this weekend - it's on Netflix Watch Instantly, dontcha know - and I gotta say I liked it quite a bit. Yes it wears its influences a little too boldly on its sleeves in homage after homage. But Dolan's so young and so playful that you give him a lot of wiggle room, especially since he's got such good taste when it comes to who he's riffing upon. Okay you wanna put Almodovar and Godard and Wong Kar-Wai into a sack and mash them up into one pretty devilishly elegiac mush? I will chug that right down, I will. Can't wait to see his next flick Laurence Anyways (great title), which according to IMDb tells "the story of impossible love between a man and a woman after the man decided to have a sex change."


Anonymous said...

his tattoos are ugly.

Anonymous said...

Plus, hot boys.