Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A Horrible Shudder Just Rocked Me...


... upon looking at this picture of Johnny Depp in make-up and costume on the set of Tim Burton's Dark Shadows. (via) Dear god it's Willy Wonka Noir. Silly me for thinking five minutes ago that I couldn't possibly want to see this movie any less than I already did. The depths are apparently limitless.


-carywd said...

- as he did in alice in wonderland, he looks so much like elijah wood when in makeup

Ivan said...

Tim Burton has lost any love I might have had for him. Now his name on a poster means "AVOID."

And *when* is the last time he made a flick that wasn't a remake of something else? Maybe Mars Attacks--maybe....

Jee Jay said...

Two things struck me as odd about this

1 - isn't he supposed to be playing a 'classic' vampire. Why is he out in daylight?

2 - ohmigod he looks just like Michael Jackson.

Prospero said...

Seriously - someone just needs to tell Burton to stop. This is just embarrassing.

Anonymous said...

There's a whole storyline in D.S. with Barnabas' friend who is a doctor and tries to cure him of vampirism, so he could be walking in the sun. My question is why Barnabas Collins looks like Michael Jackson. I love Dark Shadows and I want this movie to not suck, PLEASE.

Gary said...

omg - it's Michael Jackson meets Carol Channing all over again... I'm beginning to think its Depp's alter ego.

Rob K. said...

I have to see this no matter what (diehard Dark Shadows fan) but Burton has basically lost it and Johnny Depp has become just tiresome. But maybe they'll pull something worthwhile out of this.