Friday, September 16, 2011

Chrissy Hendricks, Stiletto Wobbler


What is it about that image, momentarily heralded in the trailer for Drive, that feels so instantly iconic to me? Christina, bless her full-bodied stature, is not a small lady, so tossing her up on those franken-heels in what appear to be jeggings of some sort (?) and then forcing her to lug a hefty bag across a parking lot? Seems to me akin to Hitchcock tossing seagulls at Tippi Hedren's face for two days. And the pain and suffering was all worth it, I says! It's a visual kapow. (Here's my actual review of the movie.)

We talk some more about Drive, plus Gus Van Sant's latest and the Straw Dogs remake, in today's Friday release round-up at Celebrity Beehive. Speaking of the latter, judging from the reviews I guess I can put away my hopes that in this version they'd do a gender-swap and it'd be Alex and Jimmy acting out hot and heavy play-rapes. Alas.

1 comment:

RJ said...


Poor Christie Hendricks. That scene was brutal. I love her. I want a whole movie built around her.