Tuesday, September 27, 2011

5 Off My Head - Gaga For Goopy

When Contagion came out a couple of weeks ago - and how have I still not gotten around to seeing that? For shame! - I took a moment to defend Gwyneth Paltrow. Sure, it was a little bit facetious, but I meant it - I like her, y'all haters be damned. She made Iron Man tolerable for me, for goodness' sake! That's saying a lot with RDJ (ugh) swanning around. Well today's her 39th birthday, so I'm gonna put my mouth where my mouth was, er, so to speak, and list my five favorite performances of hers. Looking through the movies she's made I see there are a lot I have missed... although I don't think Shallow Hal, for example, woulda ended up making this list anyway. These aren't in any order, but let it be known the last one is my favorite. So let's get on with it.

Emma Woodhouse, Emma
"Good heavens, why would he write a riddle about sharks?"

Tracy Mills, Seven
"Hi, idiot."

Viola De Lesseps, Shakespeare In Love
"I love you, Will. Beyond poetry."

Clementine, Hard Eight
"Well you're a good tipper, Captain."

Margot Tenenbaum, The Royal Tenenbaums


Joe Reid said...

Wow, no "Ripley"? That's probably the only one you left out that I would include.

Jason Adams said...

I should've made an "almost" list because there are actually several that I could've put on here if I'd been in a different mood. Of the five I did include Hard Eight is the foggiest in my memory, it's been awhile, but I remember loving her in that. But Ripley coulda made it, or Proof, or Sylvia too. She did better work in those last two than the films themselves turned out to be.

Anonymous said...

Good choices, although I'd definitely include her peformance in the Talented Mr. Ripley and I have a soft spot for Sliding Doors. She hasn't been GREAT since the Tenenbaums, I don't think.

Derek said...

Me and Roger Ebert were one of the few who loved Proof, and she really was fantastic in it.

Though I understand the hate, b/c her Emmy recap for GOOP was like her usual unaware privileged bullshit times A MILLION. So ridiculous it could have easily been a parody of her...but wasn't.


Anonymous said...

"Tenenbaums", definitely! "Ripley", probably. Did anyone see the cooking/travel show Spain - On the Road Again she did with Mario Betalli. I don't like Mario , but I loved Gwnyth in this.

Jason Adams said...

I didn't see it but I wanted to. I can't really take Batali though with those sweaty Crocs gumming around, spaghetti sauce running between his toes UGH HE GROSSES ME OUT WITH THOSE THINGS.

Anonymous said...

Two Lover's is another good one. Thanks for this list!

--Madge Bettany

Zach said...

Two Lovers is everything.

goran said...

She was indeed fabulous in Two Lovers. That might be my favourite of her performances, give or take Margo Tennenbaum.

And you know what, she wasn't actually embarrassing in Shallow Hal.

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