Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Thumbs Up, Charlie Hunnam!


It's a happy day here at Plaid Pants Headquarters, because one of our favorite actors, somebody we've been championing since the moment we laid eyes on him, has finally gotten the sort of big break we've been asking for for years and years. Charlie Hunnam is in talks to star in Guillermo Del Toro's Pacific Rim, the giant monster movie GDT moved on to after everything fell apart with his adaptation of Lovercraft's At the Mountains of Madness (sigh).

Since they are apparently still just in talks, let's keep our fingers crossed that everything stays on path for this one. But I have faith - there's a degree of syncronicity at work here after all. Charlie did get his career started with another well-placed "rim."

Yes, I went there. And I'd like to think that I'm the only place reporting on this news that did. We're making magic here at MNPP. Magic!


Jwise said...

I bet it took all your strength not to run with the headline:

"Guillermo Del Toro gives Charlie Hunnam 'Rim' job!"

Jason Adams said...

I am weakened by the effort. ;)

Matt Wright said...

Ha cought using dirty urinals lol