Tuesday, May 03, 2011

I Am Link

--- Do Do And Do - How's this for a threesome - Kirsten Dunst, Adam Scott, and Lizzy Caplan! I'll take it. They're all set to star in an indie comedy called Bachelorette, about three means girls (Dunst, Caplan, and an as-of-yet uncast third) who tormented a girl in high school (to be played by brief SNL alum Casey Wilson, whose paraplegic stripper is one of my favorite skits on that show of all time) but are invited to be her bridemaids years later. That's so Muriel's (Mariel's?) Wedding I can't stand it! "And you three! What a bunch of cocksuckers!" Adam Scott's playing Lizzy's high school crush who's at the wedding too. Party Down reunion, ho!

--- Hotsman - They've tried about forty different dudes and not found a fit yet, but now they're trying to cram all six and a half solid feet of Chris Hemsworth into the tights of the Huntsman in that other Snow White movie. Mmm Chris Hemsworth in tights.

--- Speaking of a solid six and a half feet of man, Armie Hammer's signed on for a thriller called 2:22 (will it come out on February 22nd? Stay tuned!) where he'll play an air traffic controller who almost crashes a bunch of planes because of a mysterious flash of light that happens at oh some time in the afternoon, I dunno, look it up.

--- Lady Dictator - I mentioned a couple of names that were up for the female lead in Sacha Baron Cohen's next movie The Dictator, including Anna Faris and Kristen Wiig, last week - well apparently the offer's out to Anna Faris for it. I can see her and Sacha making for a killer tag-team. Yay Anna! I mean, nothing against Miss Wiig obviously, we love her too. Yay everybody!

--- Blood Sucking - Dario Argento's still trying (and mostly failing spectacularly) to make movies worth watching, and BD has a bunch of new details on his 3D Dracula movie that's next for the slaughter, including athattruly embarrassingly lousy poster there to the left. Sigh. Suspiria's so far away now.

--- Lava Bomb - Roman Polanski couldn't get a movie about the destruction of Pompeii made, but Paul W. S. Anderson, director of every single Resident Evil movie, apparently can. I think Anderson promised more things going boom to the men with the money, probably.

--- My Girl Greta - Hooray another part for sun-dappled phenom Greta Gerwig, my love. It's a rom-com of sorts about a lovely lady (Greta's the lovely lady, of course) whose fiancee dumps her a couple of weeks before their wedding, which sends her off on a life-searching type thing before her 30th birthday. Orlando Bloom's in talks to play the dumper.

--- Hit Record - I dunno if [REC]2 ever played properly here in the US, did it? I saw a special screening of it, and missed it if it did. But I loved it, so the news that it's coming onto DVD on July 12th, just in time for my birthday, is happy making. there are more details on the disc at that link.

--- Oh Danny Boy - There's nothing more exciting than shots of Daniel Craig and David Fincher standing around talking to each other in these shots from the set of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, but if you're like me, just seeing Daniel Craig's exciting enough for at least a look-see. Five to ten seconds well spent!

--- Up For Nasties - Over at Stale Popcorn Glenn takes a look at a doc I've been wanting to see for awhile called Video Nasties: Moral Panic, Censorship & Videotape, about well what the title says. You know, those grungy horror flicks in the puffy video cases at the back of the video store. AKA my bread n butter.


RJ said...

If Argento's Dracula is anything like his Phantom of the Opera ... it'll be worth watching. That's for sure.

Also, Bachelorette is written and set to be directed by Leslye Headland, previously a writer for Terriers. And also, I think, Arden of Cinephilia, no?

Jason Adams said...

I haven't see Argento's Phantom yet. I think I've got a copy buried somewhere but I've gotten so burned out on him being so spectacularly awful and not usually in a good way.

And no shit about it being Arden, really? That's so cool! I knew she's written a play but I hadn't kept up with it. Rock on. Blogger gone legit!

RJ said...

Argento's Phantom is terrible. The montage of the best bits on YouTube is worth seeing.

Yes, I'm pretty sure it is Arden.

Andrew said...

I see the words "paraplegic stripper SNL Skit" and already die of laughter...which episode is that from? I must see it.