Monday, April 25, 2011

Oh Drogo

As I said last week, my Games of Thrones viewings will be held on Monday nights, a night after they air on HBO, so you really shouldn't expect much from me on them each week until Tuesday. But I should've added a stipulation! So you won't hear much from me until at least Tuesday unless there's nudity that warrants it. One can't sit on one's thumbs over such matters. That is to say, oh nevermind. Here's Jason Momoa as the big sack of man-meat Khal Drogo in last night's episode (via). Good gravy.



Anonymous said...

Daaaaaaaaamn, booty!

Joe Reid said...

OMG I totally get Game of Thrones Now! It's all about whoever has the finest ass gets to plant it on the throne? That's how the rest of Lena Dumbface's quote goes, right? "When you play the Game of Thrones, you win if you got ass!"

Anonymous said...

I've always heard people use the phrase "an ass that could crack walnuts." This is the first ass I've seen that looks up to the task.

Prospero said...

Can't wait to see the new "Conan" movie, now!

Anonymous said...

I totally would have left him a zombie just so I could have done dirty dirty things to him. He is a beautiful piece of man meat.

fly in the sky said...

who is interested this week momoa is present in an interviex of italia's vanity fair. Who want to know about can send me a message and i can upload with my scanner the entire interview. blesses.

Khal Drogo said...

MALOHA JASON JASON JASON..Come on ..its no game of thrones withour Khal Drogo...

Anonymous said...

MALOHA. JASON MOMOA..No game of thrones without Khal Drogo