Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Get Immortalized

You know what I just said about today being awesome? Multiply that by the Nth because I completely spaced on the fact that we'd be seeing this today too. I tweeted about seeing it last night as I flipped through the channels and should've known it'd make its way online today: the first footage from Tarsem Singh's Immortals - starring Henry Cavill and Luke (ahem) Evans and Kellan Lutz and Stephen Dorff and co-starring basically every single muscle on their muscled bodies exposed - aired on E!News last night and it has made its way online. (via) Celebrate, y'all.

It looks every inch as eye-popping as I'd hoped. Hopefully they'll realize they need to release an HD version of this stat, and then the caps will come quick and (heh) hard, no doubt. But for now here's some monstrously lo-fi versions to look upon:


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