
Araki's movies have always been willfully absurd, but I'm really digging the strange sunny optimism that's kept his last two efforts -
this and
Smiley Face - afloat. They're still just as much about the apocalyptic visions of those too epically self-involved to not see every single happenstance as indicative of utter chaos, but it's as if the point of view has shifted ever so slightly to the side. He was always winking, but now he's winking. It's the sort of nonsense I can heartily cosign. Go in prepared to not take a single frame of it seriously and you're gonna have a blast. Even when plot starts piling up in the final act he makes it PILE UP, like you never think it's gonna stop piling, like one of those clowns barfing tied-together bandannas. But it's a sexy gay clown. It's a delight.
Kaboom's open today in NY and LA and also out on VOD.
150 words and not one about our new girlfriend?
It is some kind of gay Buffy episode. I really enjoy it! It is good that Araki is not taking himself so serious
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