Thursday, January 20, 2011

I Am Link

--- Ree Ree Ree Ree - Somebody's trying again to make a Hitchcock biopic, this time from Stephen Rebello's terrific Alfred Hitchcock and the Making of Psycho, which focuses in on you guessed it the making of Psycho at the end of the 1950s. I guess Rebello himself has done work on the script. I do wish a Hitch movie would happen, it would be such porn to me, as long as they got it right of course. And I do know Hitch inside and out so it'd be a tough one for me not to pick apart a little bit.

But it could be a blast. I mean I'm more excited to see who they'd cast as his wife Alma or his daughter Pat then I am even who'd play Hitch himself.

Chubby Bannister, yo! But a Hitch impression's not very hard, even I can muster up his marble-mouthed wording now and then. Thhhhank you nnnnd gooood eeeeeevening. these two on the other hand are key, and unfamiliar. Not to mention Janet Leigh and Tony Perkins...

--- One Ham To Another - I was all excited when I saw that Robert Downey Jr. is dropping out of Sam Raimi's Oz movie. He dropped out of Alfonse Cuaron's Gravity recently too and it's just been a golden time for me avoiding his awful ass, hooray! But then I see Johnny Depp's possibly replacing him as the Great and Powerful Wizard and I don't feel so good about that either. And I used to like Johnny! But he's been on a truly terrible roll for a couple of years now and I dread the wackiness this part could bring out in him.

--- Good Buzz - Glenn really, really liked The Green Hornet, and his enthusiasm is catchy. But if I were reviewing it myself - and yes, I did see it - I would erase both of those reallys, I just liked it, but I haven't really figured out anything to say about it. Where Glenn saw both Seth Rogen and Michel Gondry's best attributes amplified by the other's presence I saw them watered down. It's also half an hour too long. I like Rogen and I like Gondry, both very much, and I liked the film way more than most critics seemed to, so don't take that criticism too harshly. I enjoyed the movie. And the fight sequences, shot with their entire bodies on display, are choreographed beautifully.

--- Go West - Somebody at Warner Brothers fell into the remake pile and came out with twenty titles stuck to their body. I mean, why would Lethal Weapon need to be rebooted? It's not like they've stopped making generic white-cop black-cop comedies. Just make another one of those and leave the ghost of Mel Gibson's ass alone. And I can't even comment on The Wild Bunch. But I must admit I think a remake of Westworld is a fine idea. It's sort of a boring movie but it's got a great concept that could be updated well.

--- Four Brunettes - Where David Cronenberg's Cosmopolis adaptation was once set to star Colin Farrell and Marion Cotilliard, it is now Robert Pattinson and Keira Knightley. I guess they decided to go younger. And I'm surprisingly alright with this.

--- Buffy Season Nine - EW has a big chat with Joss Whedon about the Buffy comics but it is FULL OF HUGE SPOILERS so be forewarned of that. Right up front, too. So don't click over if you're not caught up and want to be caught up, because this will catch you up earlier than you intend. I myself haven't read the issue that came out yesterday yet so I'm even hesitant to read much of this before I do. I guess he talks about where they're going to go next, too.

--- White's Pride - We were all excited about it but now it's turned to dust - Mike White has dropped out of directing Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. Apparently there were scheduling problems with the TV he's making for Laura Dern on HBO which I totally forgot about and which the remembrance of is slightly tending this new wound.

--- Jazz Hands - You'd think, given my aversion to musicals in general, that a movie about Bob Fosse wouldn't be something I'd be interested in. Well you'd be wrong! Every Fosse movie I have seen has been great, and the man obviously a fascinating beast. All That Jazz is basically his autobiography though and stacking your movie next to that masterpiece might not be entirely wise. But what's especially curious about this project is it's Bryan Singer making it.


Ross said...

Philip Seymour Hoffman for Hitch! Too bad Jamie Lee's too old to play her mother.

Brittany said...

I could see Melanie Lynskey as his daughter.

Glenn said...

It was so funny, at my press screening of Green Hornet it was just like all the critics reviews. There were those of us who LOVED it and those who LOATHED it.

I don't necessarily think Rogen and Gondry's skills were enhanced by each others presence, but I didn't find them as diluted as expect when two people with such distinctive styles come together. Thanks for the link though! I have no shame in admitting I laughed for the entire 2hrs with wide-eyed glee.

Jason Adams said...

Ross you're so right, it would've been a hoot to see Jamie Lee tackle her mom.

Brittany I love that idea! Melanie Lynskey is a glorious idea! Now if it doesn't happen I will be super sad. Not that I'll blame you. Much. ;)

Glenn I find it really weird the hate people have for the movie. My boyfriend HATED it too but I couldn't really get a handle on why. It's a funny movie! And I really appreciate the way Gondry shot the action scenes, where we could see everything, and I hate that that might get overlooked. EVERYONE SHOOT YOUR ACTION SCENES THIS WAY PLEASE.

Sparky said...

So I was all hyped to tell you about the US/Canadian remake of Being Human (a supernatural horror drama in it's third season over here in the UK)

But it did not impress me.

So instead I'm going to recommend the BBC Three series instead. You should check it out.

It's about a vampire and a werewolf who decide to rent a house together in order to live more 'normal' lives. When they move in they discover their house is haunted by a ghost, and the three of them work together to overcome their metaphorical and physical demons in an attempt at Being Human.

It's very dark, very funny... and the werewolf, played by Russel Tovey, makes me quiver in my man areas.

Here's the BBC's (rather odd, and completely spoiler free) teaser trailer for the first series:

Anywho. Totally love the blog. :)