Monday, November 15, 2010

Suffy Spaceman


I know that once upon a time Sufjan said something about how he doesn't want to perform on television programs. I was actually thinking about that just yesterday because I was watching Arcade Fire on SNL and since I was going to see Sufjan in a couple hours - I'll get to that in a second - I put the two together and wished he'd do SNL. But no, he's too good for that sort of thing!

Or not. They've just announced that Sufjan will perform on Jimmy Kimmel's show on November 19th, this Friday. If you click over here you can enter to win tickets.

Anyway Sufjan's stage show, which I saw last night and am seeing again tonight, is BONKERS. Just so bizarre, and awesome. If you're at all inclined to find what Suffy does annoying ,this show will stab you in the face. And I love it for that. It's just so far off the deep end of what people have found annoying about him, myself included, that I had to admire it. And it's totally schizophrenic, which is appropriate since his new music's based off the art of a schizophrenic painter - and yes, he rambled in the middle of the show for about five solid minutes about the painter, because that's how he rolls (that being pretentious, and adorable).

ETA Brooklyn Vegan's got a gallery of pics and the set-list from last night's show; here are a couple of my favorites...

Also, this:


1 comment:

Leith Q said...

I saw him in Portland at the end of October and it was simply one of the most rewarding concert experiences I've ever had. I don't mean to hyperbolize, but I felt like I was affected by Stendhal Syndrome.
Then I waited around forever and met Suffy himself. If by met you mean was too nervous and speechless to say anything, then that's exactly what I did.
Oh, and can I say he smelled REALLY good?