Friday, November 12, 2010

I See You Hugh

I just tweeted as much...

"FINALLY had a Hugh Jackman sighting! Unfortunately it was the "standing outside a bakery" kind and not a "working out on the beach" kind."

... but I figured I should briefly elaborate beyond the 140 characters that format allows since it's a sighting I've been wanting for years now. Hugh's always spotted around the neighborhood my office is in, his apartment here in NYC is not far from here, but even with being here day in day out for ten years I haven't gotten to see him until today. He was standing with his wife and about ten other people in a crowd outside a local bakery, and it took me monumental effort not to stand and gawk. But no, like a good New Yorker I just pushed myself forward, only taking as much time as it took to pass by to memorize every single sexy whisker upon his face. Oh Hugh! Why didn't you sweep me into your arms, throw me onto the back of the nearest police horse, and gallop me off to your sex palace? To what could have been.


Lightning from the Future said...

It's Hugh's loss.

Anonymous said...

damn you! jealous.

Anonymous said...

Man, you are the funniest, most entertaining person on the Internet (I mean it).

Jason Adams said...

Funnier than Sarah Palin? You speak crazy talk, anon. ;)