Monday, November 08, 2010

Fassy Made Jane

Love this poster for the new Jane Eyre, via Slash:

And sure, perhaps it has something to do with the fact that I might take Mother Nature up on it if she offered to replace my entire torso with Michael Fassbender's head. Is that a weird thing to say? I think that might be a weird thing to say.

Anyway this is from the director of the excellent Sin Nombre and therefore we should all really want to see this, even if we aren't composed of giant Fassbender heads, the end.

Oh and somehow I missed this stunning picture of
Mia Wasikowska in the film from way back in April.



greggiboi said...

Now THAT'S an outfit I'd be proud to wear. My usual fantasy is to be wandering around drafty halls in a long white gown, torn a bit, with a guttering candle. This would be warmer, and easier to accessorize, maybe a jet brooch..

breedaniels said...

That is a great poster!!! I also love the poster for Haneke's remake of "Funny Games" with Naomi Watt's face.