... at the end of this month.
So what the hell is there to do?
Besides this, of course:
So what the hell is there to do?
Besides this, of course:
That's a given. I'll be there for a few days over All Hallows and I've never been and I've gotta figure out some junk to do, some stuff to see, so forth. You all were a spectacular help when I went to Portland earlier this year so I'm asking for Austin aid this time. What do I just have to do? The bar in Death Proof? Is there a Texas Chainsaw tour? I heard there are bats that explode in a torrent from beneath a bridge every night? Gimme cool ideas, please!

You can eat dinner at the actual Texas Chainsaw Massacre house. It's in Kingsland, TX. Not sure if that's close:
Heh. I'll be there at about the same time, maybe just a little before though.
BUT... As a cinephile, you may be interesting in checking out what events are happening at the world-famous Alamo Drafthouse while you're in town: http://drafthouse.com/
Can't go to Texas without having barbecue, and Salt Lick, just a short drive outside the city limits, is the best: http://www.saltlickbbq.com/ (If you don't want to go that far, try Stubb's http://www.stubbsaustin.com/)
Guero's Taco Bar, Bill Clinton apparently goes there whenever he's in town, so I'm assuming it's probably good enough for you, too: http://www.guerostacobar.com/
I love Oasis, a Mexican restaurant that's perched on the edge of a cliff hanging over Travis Lake. The food is merely decent, but the view and atmosphere is amazing: http://www.oasis-austin.com
The Spider House was my favorite coffee spot when I was in college there, http://www.spiderhousecafe.com
For drinking, 6th Street downtown is the place... They actually block off car traffic on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights down the street, to make it easier to stumble from bar to bar. Also, 6th Street on Halloween is a madhouse... Very Mardi Gras.
The University of Texas campus is full of and surrounded by awesomeness; including the LBJ Presidential Library, the Harry Ransom Center (which has an original Gutenberg Bible AND the first-ever permanent photograph taken), and the Blanton art museum. Also, the UT Tower has a great view from the top... sometimes it's closed, or has a reservation-required policy, though.
There are also about a million and a half bats living under the Congress Avenue Bridge downtown... the largest urban bat colony in the world. It's pretty cool to find a viewing spot and watch them swoop out each night to feed on Austin's living........ bugs. http://www.batcon.org/index.php/get-involved/visit-a-bat-location/congress-avenue-bridge/subcategory/51.html
You guys are awesome! Filing all this away for possible stuff. We're gonna have a car when we're in town and plan on driving outside of the city some. Can't wait! I've wanted to go to Austin for ages now.
Let me know how the Junction House is if you go. I've always wanted to check it out. They moved the house from where is originally stood, so it isn't in the same location.
Bloody Disgusting did a little rundown of where to go to check out the actual filming locations years ago. This might be a little more ambitious than you want to be on vacation, but here goes anyway:
do yourself a favor and go to Torchy's Tacos. There are a number of locations in town and it is the best taco you will ever eat, no matter which one you order.
I also second the suggestion for the Drafthouse. You basically have to go as a movie person.
The entire South Congress area is full of great food (Homeslice) and fun shops. Check it out.
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