I can't remember who it was in reference to - maybe James Franco? - but the other day I was wondering to myself why it is that all the famous dudes that I have the biggest crushes on appear to, at some point, stick their heads straight up their asses with some sort of wacky pretentiousness. I couldn't stomach these types in real life, I have no patience for this foolishness in conversation, and yet when it comes to these unattainable crushes o' mine it happens over and over again, this revelation of douchiness, and somehow it doesn't keep me from admiring them... indeed I more often than not find it endearing in its obnoxiousness.

"... the theme of unmitigated love (and affection) runs deepest, often with shameless candor. Whether singing about a sleepover, old age, illness, or the Apocalypse, Sufjan can’t help but render everything through the lens of love and affection, the desire for contact, closeness, and connection. Perhaps this reveals what we’ve known all along in spite of the conceptual pageants and epic displays: that Sufjan is fundamentally a sensualist. And a morbid one, at that. Death looms large, either as an oracle at the apex of a volcano or as a shadowy omen in the window at night. What are we to make of these emotional and romantic climaxes back-dropped by fuming volcanoes, alien space craft, and demonic deities dressed like Boba Fett? "
Jesus Christ. Still, yay new Sufjan album! Hooray! Et cetera.
Is there any way to make a case that he's being intentionally pretentious? Like...a parody of arty douchiness? Because MY GOD.
These are the things I tell myself to get by, Joe.
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