Wednesday, August 11, 2010

My How Fuller Your Lotus Cave Is

Wow this post's title is absolutely abysmal. I did it on purpose, see, to form a counterpoint to how awesome the news held within this post titled so abysmally is, though. (Somebody will buy that, right?) Ahem. Anyway we have Bryan Fuller news at last! Via EW:

"Always with the flora, that one: Pushing Daisies creator Bryan Fuller, I’ve learned exclusively, has just sealed a deal with Syfy to adapt The Lotus Caves for the small screen.

The Lotus what now?

The Lotus Caves—it’s an uberpopopular book by syfy… er, sci-fi novelist John Christopher. In it, rebellious lunar colonists dare to take a peek beyond their borders and discover a bunch of brainiac aliens living in the caves of the title.

Anyhoo, Fuller, who also brought Dead Like Me to life, will co-write the script with fellow Daisies gardener Jim Grey."

You can pick up a copy of the book right here. I already have mine on the way! Never misunderestimate my level of Bryan Fuller devoted geekery, y'all. Anyway on that note you can without a doubt keep your eyes glued round these parts for every last tidbit, every last syllable uttered, on this project, for certain. And here's a smidge more of the story via the book's slight Wiki page:

"The Lotus Caves by Samuel Youd (under the pseudonym of John Christopher), is a science-fiction novel first published in 1969[1].

The story revolved around two teenage boys who live in a colony on the Moon. The year is 2068 and the colony live inside The Bubble, a large dome that composes their entire world. The two teenage boys, Marty and Steve, grow bored and they decide to explore, but find something completely unexpected."

1 comment:

JLang said...

Best new of this summer (and year). Maybe this project would heal our PD wound!