Monday, August 30, 2010

Lover, will you look at me now?


How did I not link to this already? Gah. I guess forwarding the link via Facebook last week when it was a timely thing to do sort of counts? I need to blog, email, tweet and Facebook everything seven times over, it's the only way anything counts anymore. It's what keeps us alive in these heady electronic times! Information! Sweet sweet information! Wow it's obviously the end of the day and my brains are scrambled. So I'm just gonna shut up now and tell you that if you missed it there's a free track from Sufjan's upcoming album over here. It's called "I Walked" and I've been listening to it all weekend and it's exceptionally wonderful, and junk. Like I'd say any less of Suffy's songs. Now I'm just gonna stare into his eyes in that picture above for an hour and a half or so. Bye.

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