Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I Am Link

--- Elasti-Air - Back when the trailer for Shyamalan's The Last Airbender was released it seemed like everybody was suddenly all, "Ooh that looks cool." It took me awhile to get around to watching the trailer but when I did... well I was sorta meh over it. I can't seem to muster much enthusiasm. Which is weird because unlike most people I've had a lot more patience with M. Night's output. I liked The Village a lot, for god's sake! And there are pieces of Lady in the Water that I like too. (It's best we not bring up The Happening. Ever.)

Anyway the fact that he took the world's advice and made a movie based on somebody's else's idea, stepping out of the claustrophobic corner he'd backed him self into, ought to have me more enthusiastic then I am. But even though I'm not entirely sold I still found this article at io9 pretty fascinating, in which they discuss the ways the film just might revolutionize some CG techniques, specifically ones having to do with building fire and water (and air, oh my).

--- Another Night - And speaking of Shyamalan, he's setting up some super duper secret project for his next job, which makes one think he's back to his old twist-ending tricks again. And Bruce Willis, Gwynnie Paltrow, and Bradley Cooper might be attached already.

--- Ten To Six - Those are the numbers Joe has reached in his big bad Buffy countdown, and he promises the final five will go live later today. ETA And they did! Here they are. Fabulous list, Joe.

--- Talking Dead - Over at AICN Harry Knowles posted a bunch of clips from a local movie show he watched in the Eighties where they interviewed Sam Raimi about making The Evil Dead. Talk about a time capsule! Sam is so young here. Super nifty.

--- Yay - This is the sort of thing that must be celebrated, even if briefly - Penn Badgley's letting his chest hair grow back in. Hooray! Those of us few, us deranged, who care about such things are pleased.

--- Queerer Krueger - I've been waiting for the Nightmare on Elm Street documentary Never Sleep Again for fucking ages now, but it's been Very Long Wait'ed on Netflix since it came out, and it's driving me bonkers. Everybody says it's just utterly hypnotic, even at four hours long. Anybody seen it yet? Rich at FourFour shares the clip from it where the writer of Part 2 finally admits that the gay stuff - the very very gay stuff - was intentional, at least on his end.

--- Buzz Boys - Haven't watched it yet but the trailer for Michel Gondry's take on The Green Hornet went online last night. How's it look? I'm thinking possibly wacky?

--- Wilford Brimley's Boner - Nat's ode to the 25th anniversary of Cocoon has got it all - boners, Jake Gyllenhaal, The Golden Girls, Steve Guttenberg's glorious chest. I could live inside this post for the rest of my life and never come up wanting.

--- Toy Holocaust - Thankfully Cinematical rounded these up in one place - a bunch of different theories about What Toy Story 3 Could Mean have been bopping around, including this great one about it being an allegory about the holocaust. Love.

--- And finally, hello first official picture of Jason Momoa as Conan. (via)



John said...

I love that shot of Mr. Guttenburg (I used to have a crush on him back then). The new Conan, I'm not crazy about that hair but that's some body. I've never even seen the orginal with Onald.

M said...

Saw the Krueger movie you were talking about. It was hypnotic--lots that made me go, "Huh, never knew that."