Friday, June 11, 2010

Double Take in 150 Words or Less

I'd said as much when I posted yesterday and turns out I was right - this isn't a movie for anyone but the most Hitch-obsessed. Really it's hardly a movie - it's an essay attempting to take us to the mind-set of the country when Hitch's films were big and linking the distinct break in quality in his work post-The Birds with JFK's assassination (as far as I'm concerned that's his last true masterpiece. I like plenty of stuff he did after it but nothing's ever that magnificent again from where I stand). The political underpinnings of Hitch's work that are there aren't something I give enough thought to so it was interesting to see things put into this context. Sort of. They were also put into the context of coffee commercials. So it was scattered, overall, but mostly engrossing (for a geek like me).

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