Monday, May 10, 2010

I Am Link

Hey everybody the phrase "sick and tired" pretty much sums up my wherewithal this morning. I've been fighting this allergy-cold-thing for about a week and I didn't get enough sleep last night and this is not just to whine at you but to let you know I might not be blogging much today as my head feels like this. But here's links!

--- Owen & Abby - That above is the second image from the Let the Right One In remake, showing the memorable Rubiks Cube scene, via AICN. I guess we're getting an idea of what Reeves will be going for visually, and it is striking.

--- True Boo - I understand Pax's enthusiasm over discovering a horror movie that actually scares - it happens far too rarely - so he's got me interested in seeing The Possession of David O'Reilly, which he's reviewed at Billy Loves Stu.

--- Rappin' Granny - Although the writers relied on "She's so old!" jokes a little too much, I thought Betty White was a delight from sart to finish on SNL this weekend. And to see all those familiar faces surrounding her! (Whitney!) Such a treat. And there were skits we didn't get to see, including Bronx Beat! PopWrap collected the videos from the dress rehearsal.

--- Past Hacks - Buried somewhere in the boxes of childhood memories I keep in my mother's basement I have this list of Jason Voorhees kills that Cracked magazine gathered up in a convenient list form back in the day, so seeing it scanned in over at io9 just made my brain tingle.

--- I Think You're Evil - How have I not seen Birdemic yet? Argh! I missed it when it screened here in NYC so I guess I'm gonna have to watch it at home now, sans crowd participation. Oh well. By all accounts it's not to be missed. Anything that makes Troll 2 seem better by contrast has gotta be something spectacular. Final Girl reviewed it as well as The Descent Part 2 and cheapie rip-off Paranormal Entity.

--- Good Better Best - Glenn finished up his really astonishing list of his favorite things from the Aughts over here with his 25-1 bits.

--- Hey Look, it's old people getting high. Rich makes the internet 100% richer. But is it wrong that I find the following gif sexy?



Joe Reid said...

Thank God I'm not the only one who thought that about Krasinski/Baldwin. Shotgunning really isn't given enough credit for its eroticism.

Owen said...


Julia said...

No, it's sexy as hell.