Monday, May 03, 2010

The Human Centipede in 150 Words or Less


I should just leave it at that because honestly The Human Centipede isn't worth the effort of dissecting it, since the filmmakers didn't put any effort into, I dunno, writing their script, or I dunno, giving their actors anything to do, or I dunno, finding a pair of actresses that you don't want to see their mouths sewn up after five seconds of their caterwauling, or I dunno, trying to make any single character in the entire film behave with any semblance of intelligence even once. It's as if they found their attention-grabbing idea - which admittedly is a doozy - and turned their camera on five seconds after that and screamed GO. I don't know how you make this concept boring, but by god did they succeed.

(all that said Dieter Laser's got a great face
and could be great in a movie with a script.)


Anonymous said...

On a totally random note, I know you love horror films, should I watch House of the Devil or not? Yay or nay?

Kristine said...

I'm surprised by this review. I haven't seen it yet (don't know if I want to), but based on all the hype I thought you were gonna say you liked it.

In response to the anonymous poster above: "Absolutely!"

Jason Adams said...

Yes anon you should totally watch House of the Devil. It's not perfect but I love the way it's more reliant on atmosphere and building tension than on huge booming noises and throwing shit at your face. And if you're a fan of the late 70s early 80s horror films that it's an homage to then you'll get even more delight from it.

Kristine the hype is bollocks.