Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Jake Five Times


(via) Bless these beautiful periods of time
when Jake's got a movie to promote.



J.D. said...


Jason Adams said...

JD, I'm way too lazy right now to look it up, but I have this weird tickling sensation in my brain telling me that these pictures were taken a couple of years ago, and the Russian GQ that's using them now has gotten them from an old shoot. Any Jake-fans out there wanna tell me either way, that'd be nifty, what with me still being too lazy to look it up myself, and all. But that might explain, if indeed the case, why he looks young in these, JD. Not that he looks old in any shoots he's taken that I know are brand new lately, not by any means, but these pictures here really do seem familiar to me. Bah, ramble.

J.D. said...

Well, yeah, actually, I think you're right. The cover especially. Lazy Russians.

But my exclamation was a bit more general then just these pics; like, any interviews or anything I've seen, he looks exactly the same as he did in like, 2004 (i.e. when I fell in love with him). Sigh.