Thursday, March 18, 2010

Today's Fassbender Fun Fact

After I posted that clip from Cen-cen-cen-Centurion earlier I decided perhaps I should glance around, see if there were any reviews of the flick's screening at SXSW, see what the buzz might be... and so I found Harry at AICN reviewed it today, and he raves in his typically unhinged Knowlesian way - "CENTURION is just fucking great." "fucking scary awesome badasses." "one of the all time great badass women in history." You get the gist - so if he's to be believed, this movie is what I want it to be, hooray. The Fassbender fun-fact comes at the end though.

"Neil committed to making Michael Fassbender do his entire commentary track as Christopher Walken - cuz apparently Fassbender does a KILLER WALKEN - and wouldn't that just fucking be the bomb?"

Of course Michael Fassbender does a killer Christopher Walken impression. A Christopher Walken impression is something that a person could do, and if there's anything that I've learned about Michael Fassbender it's that anything that there is that a human being can do, he does it fucking awesomely. He is the winner.

1 comment:

Julia said...

Audio of this would just make my life.