Was Ignorance taken?
"I now forgive Calvin Klein for previously hiring Justin Bieber as a model. I literally stopped buying the brand at that. I will reconsider now."--- MNPP commenter Dan approves, as do we all, of CK's use of Aaron Taylor-Johnson as their latest underwear model. Our baby boy is looking good!
I'm glad you watched it. The film is responsible for one of my favorite review quotes ever:
"But the odd thing about Mr. Cage in this movie is that even when he is responding to the threat of complete human extinction, you still can’t help feeling that he’s overreacting."
I was gonna Twitter thru the movie last night regarding how dumb it all was but it started annoying me so much that I had to drink instead. I mean, sometimes a movie is just dumb, but this one was aggressively stupid, so much that it was making me angry. I was gonna bother with a longer review but it's just not worth my time, although it's impressive when you look at the clock and you're 20 mins into a movie and you already want to smother everyone on screen. I only made it all the way through because the disaster special effects were really terrific looking - the plane and subways crashes, and the world being devoured by flame at the end looked great. But I knew from the moment Nicolas Cage was teaching his class in what, hius first scene, that it was gonna be a nightmare. CHANCE! FATE VERSUS CHAOS! RANDOM! RELIGION! SMACK THE AUDIENCE IN THE FACE WITH YOUR THEMES OVER AND OVER AND OVER. Ugh, shut up, movie.
Yeah, it was an epic mess. I really want to know what Roger Ebert saw in this disaster. And what was Alex Proyas doing. I mean, ugh. It was so frustrating.
Meanwhile, my "word verification" word this time is "uncit." And I like that one very much, too.
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