Tuesday, November 24, 2009

"Tony is a little boy that lives in my mouth."

It's a very Shining sorta day! Must be everybody thinking about going off for the holiday and being trapped with their relatives for a bit, huh? Earlier this afternoon I scrapped a post I was working on with regards to Kubrick's film, then I saw this educational post over at Final Girl, and now this possibly amazing news from Horror Squad:

"Gotta love the book tour Stephen King is currently on to promote Under the Dome. First he tells a crowd in Maryland that he has written a draft of the television screenplay for Cell, that HBO wants to do an Under the Dome miniseries, and that he is working on new Talisman and The Dark Tower novels. And now an even bigger bombshell comes: he's got a plan for a sequel to The Shining brewing in the back of his always-working mind.

...tentatively titled Doctor Sleep. King explained that he had spent the last summer wondering what Danny Torrance would be like as a grown up and how the emotional scars carved into his psyche by the Overlook Hotel would have impacted the path of his otherwise happy life. The author charts the basic premise thusly:

"Danny is now 40 years old and living in upstate New York, where he works as the equivalent of an orderly at a hospice for the terminally ill. Danny's real job is to visit with patients who are just about to pass on to the other side, and to help them make that journey with the aid of his mysterious powers. Danny also has a sideline in betting on the horses, a trick he learned from his buddy Dick Hallorann."

1 comment:

John said...

I have never seen The Shining, I saw Clockwork Orange and Eyes Wide shut, both bizarre.