... how distracting would you find it if you were sitting in a movie theater about to watch a movie and the star of the movie that you're sitting there to watch suddenly came in and plunked down in the chair right across the aisle from you and watched the entire film that way, two feet away, practically between you and the screen due to the way the seats are angled, so that it's so very easy to just stare at the star in the audience while he's watching himself on the screen, so much so that nobody could even notice that this is what you're staring at, instead of the film?
Would you find this distracting?

Yes, Joe was right there, an arm's length away, snickering at himself on-screen, generally being adorable and making me feel like a giant fat person beside his perfectly sized tiny-man self. Damn you, Joseph Gordon-Levitt! Making my viewing experience so fractured. It was so meta - it was too fascinating, watching him react to himself on-screen. Would he get red-cheeked and hide his eyes during the sex scene? (Answer: decidedly no.)

Next stop for JGL: SNL this weekend!
Honestly my expectations for him as an SNL host are sky-high - this dude has buckets of charisma just dying to spill forth. He will rock our faces off, have faith. Have faith!
I would have found it extremely distracting! Wow, what an experience. Too bad the movie wasn't that great.
Well, I would have definitely been distracted, as I would have been plotting how to kidnap JGL from the theater the entire time. Or I would have been distracted thinking of all the brilliant questions I would ask him after the movie was finished. Or I would been distracted by inching closer and closer to him until I was sitting on his lap. The point is...the movie would have basically been background noise.
I always love everything he is wearing ...
"Well, I would have definitely been distracted, as I would have been plotting how to kidnap JGL from the theater the entire time."
I got a few ideas. Julia, you and I will figure it out.
I wouldn't have been able to watch the movie. Also re: the gq photos: he needs some form of facial hair, even scruff will do. Those pictures aren't my favorite.
Distracted? Are you kidding? I'd have forgotten about the movie altogether!
I wouldn't have even gotten up to pee in the last hour, like I always do.
Watching Joseph Gordon Levitt breath would be like hearing James Earl Jones read the phone book, intrinsically boring and endlessly fascinating.
Awesome, RJ, I like the way you think. ;)
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