Monday, October 19, 2009

My Initial Reaction...

... to the Coen Bros. new film A Serious Man
goes something like this:

But as usual with their flicks I felt a little overwhelmed the first time through, as if I'm gonna have to watch it a second time to fully appreciate, to savor, the whole product before I can possibly write a review of it. But let me just say this: the final couple of minutes of the film are astonishing. Poetry. Just amazing. This film have my favorite final shot in ages.


Anonymous said...

It's not my intention to come off creepy, but did you see it at the Sunshine??

Jason Adams said...

Too late, creep!

Kidding. I saw it in Times Square. Did you think you saw me? Do I have a doppelganger roaming the streets?

Anonymous said...

HA! no no no!
I work @ the Sunshine & I was gunna go "OMGEEEEE small world..."
But yea!
I didn't know it was playing in Times Square.

Anonymous said...

I saw what you did at "A Serious Man"

But seriously, there were some local references that were completely pants-pissing priceless:

The Red Owl - a defunct grocery store chain

Ron Meshbesher - a real live actual local criminal attorney whose actual office address 1616 Park Ave is shown in the film.

The Jolly Roger - I don't remember this motel, but there was a buffet called the Holly Troll.

The Whole - the place where the daughter is always going, still exists. It's a coffee house at the University of Minnesota. It was a folky place back then, but it's been alternative since the Eighties.

olins said...

The movie is very jewish centric and as I used to date a jewish girl I understood most if it. However I had to explain many things to my mother. That makes me wonder if the movie will find wide appeal.