Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Elf Shot Lame Witch


If any of you follow me on the Twitter machine then you maybe caught the Rosemary's Baby fit I had there last night. Sorry about that! It sorta snow-balled and I couldn't stop myself. Until Twitter stopped me that is - they apparently have a cut-off for the amount of tweets you can post? Who knew? Not me, since I hardly ever use that thing.

Anyway! What's weird is this: I started watching the film because I'd watched a documentary on filmmaker William Castle right before and it brought up the fact that he was the producer on Rosemary's Baby, which I'd spaced on. And it offered up the trivia that it's him playing the man outside of the telephone booth hovering behind Rosemary at a pivotal moment in the movie, something I'd never recognized until they pointed it out.

Anyway, just bring up Rosemary's Baby and I'll be swallowed whole by the desire to watch it. Happens every time. And then the Twitter thing came outta nowhere - I just started posting every line of the movie that amused me, which then turned out to be every other line of dialogue. Again, my apologies.

But this is the weird thing - Twitter cut me off right at the moment I was watching the film for, right when William Castle showed up on-screen outside the phone booth!


Nothing. It means nothing, and I have wasted all y'all's time. Wha ha ha! Aww I'm sorry, baby. Here's eleven frames from the movie to make it all better.



crazycloud said...

this is an interesting link
for "Rosemary's Baby"
then and now

Dale said...

I just had the pleasure of watching that film for the first time last night. My favourite visual was the very extravagant Satanic baby's crib at the end, it cracked me up so hard. Although I adored that whole scene, particularly how the entire Satanic cult is made up of cheerful, busybody senior citizens, except for that smiley younger man with the camera. I wonder if Hot Fuzz was influenced by that? I hope so.

Seriously, great movie.