Monday, October 12, 2009

The Canyon of Eion's Discontent

Way back when I did a gratuitous post that I quite enjoyed - y'all seemed to, too - for a kinda-totally-fucking-perfect-looking actor named Eion Bailey. In said post I made mention of what brought him to him attention - besides the whole being kinda-fucking-perfect-looking thing - which was a picture of him in some film called The Canyon. Well this weekend I was wading through the previews on a DVD I'd put in and lo 'n behold a trailer for The Canyon appeared, and it began with Eion in his underpants. Way to grab my attention, trailer! Unfortunately the internet has revealed itself to be a complete and utter failure - there is no fancy hi-def version of the trailer online for me to cap these shots from. Here's the best I can do:

And that is not good enough! I'll scavenge up the disc the preview was on later and grab some caps that way. For now, here's the trailer itself:



It looks not bad, right? Like it could be exciting. It apparently comes out on October 23rd, but who knows where or when... actually, somebody probably does, but I'm too lazy to look it up. Oh well! To make up for it here's a tasty behind-the-scenes pic I stumbled upon (via):


1 comment:

Jwise said...

Oh I love him so