But it is a good film, a deceptively smart film, and a very funny and occasionally touching film, and the vitriol being aimed at it just strikes me as lazy, frankly. It's not worthy of such malice, and such a fevered response - so many people clamoring for the movie to fail - does make me wonder what the real, perhaps buried, reasons for such emotions might be. There's a good if brief piece over at Cinematical discussing all this though so go check that out.
As for the movie proper! Like I said, good, not great. It has some pacing issues and it's never what you might call, "scary." But I don't necessarily think that "scary" was entirely the film's intent, so that's not as big a flaw as it might've been with a straighter horror flick. What it is, which you'll get from the reviews that have bothered to give the film some thought, is a dissection of toxic female friendships, and as such it's terrific. It's more in line with something like Heathers or Mean Girls or especially Ginger Snaps.
And believe me or not (and most of you will probably choose "not") but Megan Fox gives a terrific performance. I knew going in that I'd adore Amanda Seyfried, I'm in capable of anything but, and for sure she was her always-winning self (her facial expression during her sex scene is joy itself). But Fox... well I've been clamoring to like Fox for months now. I don't get why, it seems like she'd be someone pushing all my hate buttons (biggest of them all being a Michael Bay discovery), but no. Her interviews, the ones with the blurbs heard round the world that make everyone bang their head on the wall, make me laugh. She doesn't skimp on rattling off her own shortcomings, but she's also honest about the things that aren't her shortcomings and that's the stuff that seems to really piss people off. Well I say thank Christ I don't have to hear another story about how ugly and awkward some supermodel was in high school to make her seem "more relatable" or human." Fuck that noise.

I actually have a theory in regards to the vitriol aimed at this movie. So many film critics want(ed) to be screenwriters. It's a fact. There's a couple who even have succeeded at it and the number of times I read bloggers/critics talking about "finally finishing the screenplay" is very high.
Anyway, they are jealous of Diablo Cody because she's done what they wish they could. She got famous for writing. That can't be expressed enough - She got FAMOUS from WRITING! Isn't that what we all want? And now because she won an Oscar for a movie that just months prior they had been creaming their pants over but now like they pretend they never liked they just want to attack anything she does.
"omg it's not Juno! but it was Juno we'd complain about it being juno again!" ugh. wash, rinse, repeat.
I absolutely agree. There is no way this movie deserves all the bashing. I thought it was funny and gross and a little bit sexy (I wish it had been much sexier) and I absolutely agree - Ms. Fox was everything the movie required of her and a bit more. She rocks as a bitch on wheels and she believably looks too gorgeous to be in that high school! And not once did any of the scary monster faces or sexy faces or flirty faces or vulnerable faces not look appropriate and sufficient. Shame on everyone picking on this poor gorgeous woman! :-) And I also agree, I think she's funny the way she's just being all loud and inappropriate in interviews. I mean, fuck em, right?
Hey, thanks for this. I still haven't seen it but no way the backlash is justified. People who can usually be trusted with genre fare are rating this below Sorority Row, which means there's something else going on here.
Glenn's got a point, but I don't think it's just jealousy from the critics--Cody does have some glaring limitations, and maybe I'd be offended by an Oscar going to someone for voice over craft if I prided myself on my act structures.
Still, the negative reaction's crazy, like she should hand her life over to someone more deserving. I'd chalk it up to misogyny* if it weren't for all the anti-Eli Roth sentiment, but I dunno, I'm a huge fan of the guy and even I wanna punch him in the face a little. Cody's only sin is to not apologize for getting famous.
With Fox, it's still out of all proportion, but hell, it seems to work in her favor. She's probably nowhere near as interesting as all the hatred would lead you to believe.
*any review which snidely references the fact that she used to strip is just straight-up vagiphobia, I don't give a shit if that's simplistic
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