Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Joss Whedon (But Were, Well, Notsomuch "Afraid" To Ask... Maybe You Just Didn't Feel Like Asking Right Now)

Over at they've posted a loving tribute to the career-so-far of Mr. Whedon, and even a geek like me, so dedicated to the man that I cry him name when I ejaculate, found stuff I didn't know (like he called his first stint writing for TV, for Roseanne, "baptism by radioactive waste.").

But most importantly, it made me realize the obscenity that is the fact that I never sought out video of the Buffy reunion last year at the PaleyFest in LA. The shame. THE SHAME. I feel positively absolutely wretched. I will go home and beat myself silly with my Anyanka doll.

But hey, things tend to stick on the internet - hey look, The Hampster Dance still exists! - so I can still right this wrong. So without further ado, here's the whole damned thing! In eight parts.









Just 16 days until Dollhouse returns!