Friday, July 10, 2009

Lookin' Foxy To Me

Hey everybody, JoBlo has the first still from Wes Anderson's stop-motion adaptation of Roald Dahl's The Fantastic Mr. Fox! And here it is:

Ya know, I was (and am) a huge Dahl fan but somehow FMF (that's an acronym that brings other, less-savory-to-me things to mind) is a book that I do believe has escaped me. And even now, with this oncoming Anderson-directed adaptation, I've not rectified that. Sadness. Anyway, those looks like foxes, so that's a step in the right direction I assume. I'm curious about that pig-faced rat-thing on the left side though.

1 comment:

zyzzyva said...

The Fantastic Mr. Fox was one of my favorite books as a child and I have been excited about the film as soon as I heard it was in stop-motion. However, that image is deeply disappointing. The foxes look too humanoid. I was hoping for something a lot more stylized (like the extreme designs of the parents in Burton's Corpse Bride) or at least something more reminiscent of the original illustrations...
Oh, well. I can now only hope it's just a bad pic.

They should've hired this woman.