"I now forgive Calvin Klein for previously hiring Justin Bieber as a model. I literally stopped buying the brand at that. I will reconsider now."--- MNPP commenter Dan approves, as do we all, of CK's use of Aaron Taylor-Johnson as their latest underwear model. Our baby boy is looking good!
So it was good.
Amen in 150 Words or Less:
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It's Tilda porn is what it is. Everything you ever thought, "Hey, wouldn't it be nifty to see Tilda do ___," she does. And bunches of things you never would've imagined.
I've got to rpeface this by explaining that my boyfriend is not what Nat refers to as "an actressexual", so when he turned to me after Julia and said that he never gets tired of looking at Tilda like he does with most actresses it means a lot. She just got one of the most fascinating faces ever put on-screen and watching this movie, well I felt fortunate that I was getting to be alive while she was working.
In the shower this morning (I do so much thinking in the shower in the morning, I swear) I was thinking of a scene that kind of in a really weird way sums up the whole movie, and Tilda's performance therein, for me. It's when Julia comes home from one of her drunken nights and drops her dress and is naked from the waist down. Tilda's walking away from us so we're staring at her ass; she gets across the room and puts on this top while facing away from us, so we're thinking, okay, she's covered up now, no more naked. But the top turns out to be this short little thing that's not covering anything up and Tilda turns around and wham, Tilda's womanhood. I told you this was a weird way to view the movie. But I think that moment sorta sums the whole film up in retrospect. Julia undermines every thought we have of her covering up by exposing herself further. You know how people say that Michael Bay movies are like he's slapping the audience with his dick constantly? Well Tilda was slapping us with her vagina with this movie. And it was awesome.
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