I don't have much to add to the
Star Trek conversation that hasn't been said. I enjoyed it mostly muchly. Just a couple of quibbles (
1) Quinto was good but suffered in comparison whenever Nimoy was on-screen - I found Old Spock witnessing Vulcan's destruction from afar more affecting than I did watching Quinto dealing with his mother's death
right in front of his face. I know it's a measure of modulating the half-Vulcan's emotional reactions but the wear on Nimoy's face spoke volumes by itself, and it lessened Quinto's impact in contrast. The other actors were fortunate in the respect that they didn't have to play opposite their elder counterparts.
2) I've been spoiled by
Battlestar Galactica's space battles. With 1/1 billionth the budget
BSG managed images that're etched deeper in my brain than any of the images in this
Trek. It kept being
almost there, but not quite.
3) It needed more Rachel Nichols!
I didn't realize until know who Starship Troopers the set up was with all of the cadets manning war ships
1) Yes.
2) Pretty much yeah.
3) YES
Glad you came to jesus on Chris Pine too (...finally).
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