Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Lost Show

Spoilers ho.

But really I have a bad combination of too many thoughts about but not enough patience to try and express all those thoughts on last night's episode of Lost, so I'm gonna keep it brief for now, stick to a couple of points.

Nice to meet you, Jacob. No, really, a pleasure.

Seriously - Mark Pellegrino? You can stay.

That's probably the last we're gonna see of Rose and Bernard, I think, and I'm totally cool with that. That as an ending for them made me immeasurably happy. They were happy. It was lovely.

The Juliet stuff... man. I knew it was coming, I'd heard about her being the lead in that V remake of course, but I'm still finding ways to convince myself that her final action there at the end might mean, if it does rewrite history, that she saved herself. Maybe?

I know, a fucking hydrogen bomb just went off in her face. But it's supposed to change things! And just because she's on V doesn't mean she couldn't still do some work on Lost, the final season isn't shooting any time soon since it doesn't air for nine months... I am trying so hard to find a way to make Juliet stick around. I was just sobbing during that scene. Elizabeth Mitchell and Josh Holloway were so good. Ugh.

The conversation-turned-fisticuffs scene between Sawyer and Jack was a terrific scene a long time in the making, no? I really appreciated the way it was structured, that they even sat there and talked like that at first. I found it really touching. The talking part, not the whole face-mashing part. The face-mashing was just bonus!

Make love, not war!

When they went off in the woods together I was hoping they might finally be consummating their relationship in another way, but this worked too.

Jack looked really good strutting around in that jumpsuit.

He's still a whiny little bitch,
but an attractive whiny little bitch all the same.

And speaking of looking good -
Nestor Carbonell, strike a pose!

And my boyfriend and I can't be the only ones who found the scene between Jacob and Jack in the hospital extremely homoerotic, right? Hey Jack, I'm holding both of our candy bars in my hands, come over here and let me touch you for a brief important zoomed-in-upon moment, eh?

Weird. Yet hot!

And finally, how excited do you think I was to get this?

I'm the lame-ass who's been crowing about the damned four-toed statue ever since it first showed up, because I needed something extraneous to bitch about of course, so I adore the fact that half of the actions in this episode were centered upon the place. Now if they'd just give us a damn front-on view of the thing! Teases.

I thought it did a pretty decent job of giving some attention to everyone we care about (Sun didn't even have to ask where Jin was all episode long!) and getting us up to whatever the hell next season will be about. Who knows? They could cut to a thousand years ago or find our castaways on the fucking Moon for all I know anymore. And I'll love it!

Anyway, for more thoughts on the episode that echo my unexpressed thoughts - the ones that don't have to do with exploiting the men on this show in a sexual manner, that is - check out what my bud Sean had to say, he's on point as usual. And then there's Doc Jensen's lovingly long-winded write-up at of course but that shit takes me an entire day to plow through.

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