--- Adrien Brody Has Fat Hands - I promised Joe I'd start my review of
The Brothers Bloom with that line, but then
he went and reviewed it first and I don't have anything more to add, I agree with everything he said. Except for the fact that I noticed Adrien Brody's weirdly fat hands and that I am
still looking for Mark Ruffalo's sunglasses. But a million times yes to what Joe says on best-in-show Rachel Weisz - she's so fucking funny in this movie, it reminded me that I really just adore her. When she's on she is magic, and she is magic in this film. Sparkling, beautiful, weird-o magic.
--- By The Hammer - At this point in time I don't really give much of a shit about
Thor to be honest, but the news that broke over the weekend about
Chris Hemsworth, aka the pretty dude who played Papa Kirk in JJ Abrams
Star Trek,
getting the role of the big Nordic lug reminded me that this is the same dude who's in the Joss Whedon scripted horror flick
Cabin in the Woods. I posted on that
here (along with some assorted gratuitousness of Mr. Hemsworth). Anyway, yeah. That's that. He's an up and comer!!!
---What The Devil - The reviews are in from Cannes for Lars von Trier's
Antichrist and apparently... apparently, that shit is bananas. It sounds fucking righteous to me. So now and I'm stupid excited about the flick. Someone actually said that it's "Ingmar Bergman meets
Saw". Ingmar Bergman meets
Saw!!! Anyway, there's a round-up of reviews
--- The Face - Is Bradley Cooper
gonna play Lt. Templeton "Faceman" Peck in
The A-Team? He's really
perfect casting, if so. Although I really don't know if I can get on-board with this as a movie. Unless they promise me that there will be numerous action scenes where
billions of bullets are shot and none of our heroes are ever even come close to being injured. They gotta keep that.
--- This Is A Real Thing - Apparently the next movie by the director of
Final Destination 2 - one of my favorite movies ever - is called
Humpty Dumpty. Here's
it's website. There's it's poster to the right. This is real. I mean... really real. I... good grief. And it's in 3D! Ack. I don't know what to say.
--- Speaking of Final Destination, the fourth film that's out in August has been renamed yet again.
According to BD,
Final Destination 4, then
Final Destination 3D, Then
Final Destination Death Trip 3D, is now just being titled
The Final Destination. I don't know, don't look at me.
--- Lotta Hotties - There's a big gallery of pictures from
Terminator Salvation over at JJ including lots and lots of new shots (to me) of Christian Bale and Sam Worthington.
This whole Sam Worthington thing better pan out, I personally have a lot of hopes lain on him this year. He looks good in the trailer, but I don't want him to mess with my expectations for
Avatar which are appropriately sky-high. I remember him as being fairly charming in
Rogue though, so I don't think he'll let me down.
--- Leather & Asphalt -
Is there gonna be a fourth Road Warrior film? These rumors have been around for ages now but they have seemed to increase in frequency lately. All this reminds me is that when I saw Eric Bana in person a couple of weeks back being interviewed the topic of
The Road Warrior came up - apparently he's obsessed with the film - and he was asked if he could ever star in a remake and he got all giggly and basically said he didn't think he could, that it's too precious a film for him. But since this isn't a remake really, it's a fourth film, and George Miller is the one making it (or that's the rumor), and I'm guessing (or hoping, really) that it's a fourth film that won't involve Mel I Suck " Gibson, then I beg of Mr. Bana to reconsider. I need to see him in those leather pants like I need oxygen.
ETA According to io9 the movie is going to be animated, or maybe, or mostly, or something. Bummer!
Whaaat I heard my favorite 1000 year old Viking Vampire (Alexander Skarsgard from True Blood) was slated to be cast as Thor...
Sam Worthington is unlikely to let you down. He's very good in both 'Somersault' (alongside Abbie Cornish) and 'Gettin Square' (alongside David Wenham, this movie is HILARIOUS). I suggest you check them out ASAP.
Hemsworth should've been cast as Kirk instead of Kirk's dad. Maybe I wouldn't have found the character so unlikable that way.
Elevendreams, I'm sure they saw the box office for Star Trek and figured more people would at least recognise Hemsworth.
Worthington is indeed the real deal. I just hope the films are cause I'd hate for him to be brought down because of them (not that I expect them to be crap - especially Avatar - but ya never know).
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