--- Boldy Go-Go -
Cinematical takes Star Trek to task for being "a sausage fest." (As if that's a bad thing!) No no, I get their point and agree, although it could've been far worse. At least Uhura was established as being super-smart, solved some problems, and wasn't just a glorified telephone operator like Nichelle Nichols, bless her beautiful mini-skirted soul. But the most interesting thing in that article for me was my introduction to the following:
"Cartoonist/writer Alison Bechdel is credited with coming up with something called "Bechdel's Law" as a gauge for whether she'd be interested in seeing a movie... It first appeared in a 1985 installment of her long-running strip, Dykes to Watch Out For, and it goes like this:
1. The movie has to have at least two women in it.
2. Who talk to each other.
3. About something other than a man."
First off this reminds me that I need to read some more of Bechdel's writing;
Fun Home is one of the greatest things I've read this decade. But also, this is just a really great way to gauge a movie for this sort of thing.
--- The "Big" IMAX Scam - I love that
this dude's rant about fake IMAX screens is making the rounds today (
here at
here at
Slash/Film) because it was the same experience I had at the theater in Times Square this weekend with
Star Trek. The only real IMAX screen here in NYC is the one at Lincoln Square - don't be fooled by these other ones that've slapped the IMAX name on them and charge the bigger price; they're frauds and it's a fucking rip-off.
--- Wild Blog - Spike Jonze and his
Where the Wild Things Are collaborators have apparently started up
this blog as a place to post their influences and ideas about the film before it's release this Winter. Yeehaw!
The thing that most excited me was on the front page for my very first visit there is
love given to one of my favorite movies ever, Bernard Rose's 1988 film
Paperhouse. The similarities between the two stories probably wouldn't have occurred to me without them pointing it out but now that the connection has been made it's a big DUH. Both are about a young kid that drifts off into the kinda scary world of his or her imaginations. It reminds me I need to sit down and watch
Paperhouse again; it's been a couple of years. For my previous posts on the film
click here. It's a stunner.
--- Pretty Pretty - I expected to be annoyed listening to Ben Barnes talk about all the changes they made to Oscar Wilde's
The Portrait of Dorian Gray to turn it into the succinct-ified
Dorian Gray, a "sexy" "exciting" "modern" "thriller" but somehow the pretty young thing managed to not annoy me, so props to him for that. He
sums it up nicely actually:
"We've changed a few things. We've added a character... There'll be a few people up in arms about giving one of the lead characters a daughter and things like that, but actually, it helps make the story more visual, and that's the point of a movie. The book exists already."
--- And finally,
Final Girl Stacie Ponder made good on her promise yesterday (she knew I'd be a torch-and-pitchfork-wielding mob-of-one comin' her way otherwise!) and
posted a teaser trailer for her short horror film Ludlow over at Final Girl. Head yonder and partake in the wild-eyed bloody-sinked bottle-to-face goodness! Now... how am I gonna see the whole thing? That's my next question, lady!
i'm so with you on the fake IMAX crap. i'm sitting here with an evil grin waiting for the inevitable backlash.
You're too good to me! Thanks for the love.
And I have no idea what I'm gonna do with the damn thing when it's finished...
"it helps make the story more visual, and that's the point of a movie. The book exists already."
Fuck that guy. Yeah: the book already exists. So come up with your own goddamned idea then, ideal stealer!
[grumble]I mean, it's bad enough with Andrew Davies always tarting up Victorian novels, adding in the sex scenes he said the authors meant to include but couldn't. Just leave the nineteenth century alone for the love of Pete.[/grumble]
(My word verification: fiestly)
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