Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Dr. Watson's Sexy-Time Ye Olde Adventures

I wish that's what Sherlock Holmes were called instead of Sherlock Holmes, and that it were actually just about giving me the chance to indulge my "Jude Law as Dr. Watson" fetish which I didn't know I even had until I started seeing Jude Law dressed as Dr. Watson but now that I have I have discovered it is very real and very, very powerful. And it far outweighs any interest I have in watching Robert Downey Jr. just be Robert Downey Jr. again for the thousandth time on film.

(you can see the unedited - RDJ intact - stills at JJ)


sheryl said...

I have to totally second everything you've said. It's quite unexplainable to me just exactly how hot I find his Watson (ahem)...I drool over Watson. Or, as Downey has been known to refer to him on set, "Dr. Hotson."

sheryl said...

And I also want to add...I really, really want to do stuff to Watson. Messy stuff. I want to rumple him to fullest extent of my powers.

Pole said...

I agree with Sheryl although I'm thinking more about all the things I want Dr. Watson to do to me.. Phew! Sexy-Time indeed!