Monday, April 27, 2009

Well At Least Now I Know...

... what I'll be watching tonight (besides the Heroes season finale, of course). But this is the positive spin on a shitty morning - first thing that happens when I get to my office this morning? I smack my hand on my desk as if I were just trying to break it. And the second thing? I turn on my computer and see this bullshit (via AICN):

"Long Live The New New Flesh? VIDEODROME remake in development...

Universal has snatched up the remake rights - and that Ehren Kruger (writer on ARLINGTON ROAD, THE RING remake, THE SKELETON KEY, THE BROTHERS GRIMM and this summer's TRANSFORMERS: REVENGE OF THE FALLEN) is updating and most likely under the delusion of improving material that most likely will be... what? I kinda can't imagine what a big version of VIDEODROME would be intended to be.

Certainly - it'll forego the brilliant and innovative practical effects in lieu of the latest and greatest of digital effects, but will it be as sweaty and nasty and lurid as the original? Will it even touch on the psycho-sexual overtones?

I suppose all we can do is sit back and watch what happens to this classic material - and hope that a director comes aboard that has the brilliant imagination and the sack that Cronenberg had when he made the original."

Sigh. I linked to that interview with Cronenberg last week where he said he doesn't have any interest in remaking his own films, so we won't be seeing him snatch this up and save us. There is no saving. It's all downhill from here. The end.

I do need to rewatch Videodrome though, I haven't seen it in ages, so I think I will pop it in tonight and give it a spin. So something good has come of this! Happy thought, happy thoughts... can't let the week get away from me this early...


Ross said...

Shouldn't they make an opera of it first? ;o) I actually think this one could be interesting given the leaps and bounds in technology since the original. Although ahead of its time when it came out, the original does feel a bit dated now. And of course Debbie Harry must have a cameo!

scroggins said...

You know, you'd think that these people who want to remake these masterpieces would respect them enough to realize that they can't be improved upon. This is sacrilege.

God, my blood pressure...

But seriously, this is sacrilege.