Monday, February 02, 2009

All The Way Through To "Kerplunk"


So....... I've seen the final three episodes of Pushing Daisies.

And I'm not going to be able to do them justice.

It's not that the show becomes something huger than it was during its run... it didn't really need to, of course. It was already brilliant, funny, touching and wonderful stuff. But it didn't get the opportunity to bring itself fully to fruition like it should've... to borrow a pie-maker's vernacular, it never got the chance to ripen into something that brought all the flavors wholly together into a mind-altering ecstasy like nothing we've ever tasted.

What I'm saying is, the ingredients were all there - Bryan Fuller & Co. achieved greatness every episode - but not full-on fullness. That was something beyond their means... something that was snuffed out by the rotten luck of the writer's strike and a network that stopped believing in the show at some point thereafter. ABC tore it out of the oven before it was through baking!

So I'm not going to be able to do these episodes justice because mostly I'm not worthy, but also in the back of my mind I'm filled with what-if's. What if they'd gotten to see this terrific tale through to a wholly realized end? What if these characters lived as long and rich lives as so many of their lesser peers?

But perhaps I wouldn't savor what remains so sweetly if it'd not been tasted on the run. And this final run of episodes - most specifically the post-production-altered finale's final ten minutes or so but yes even before that - do bring us all sorts of goodies and resolutions to long-standing story-arcs though, and for that we should all be grateful. We get a lot, and once the final curtain came down I felt immeasurably happy to have had what we did have. To get what we got. A couple dozen hours with these folks was far richer time-spent than so many of the hundreds of hours that fill the empty swath of television programming otherwise. Bryan Fuller enriched the TV landscape with these folks, and Ned, Chuck, Emerson & Olive... Aunts Lily and Viv... not to mention the countless side characters... they each have their place in the pantheon of Great TV Characters. No matter what, they stand.

I'm keeping this as spoiler-free as I can, in case you hadn't noticed. I'm not gonna tell you what happens. The discs will be out at some point in the future and it's something you should experience yourselves. There's singing, there's swimming, there's sadness, there's love and broken hearts and broken hearts mended. There's everything this show has offered us before, only three more blessed-be episodes of it.

It's bittersweet and I don't care if you think my prose has gotten rosy here, I had cheeks stained with tears as the final credits ran, and I mourn the loss of my pie-slinging pals from the quaint little town of Coeur d’Coeurs.

But if there's anything that they've taught me about death, it's that you can always slap a technicolor dream-coat onto the world you're looking at and sometimes, maybe, you can hum a lively tune and still manage to smile through the rougher stuff.



mB said...

Who ARE you sleeping with that you always get sneak peeks of Daisies. [Send his number my way ASAP! lol]

If not, I'll guess I'll struggle with the rest of the mortals and wait til the DVDs come out... le sigh.

Damn you ABC.

Anonymous said...

If Digby croaks, I'm going to cut a bitch and by bitch I mean Bryan Fuller.
I'm going on record.

Bob said...

Yes, where did you find the episodes? I've checked and they've already purged their website of any mention of the greatness of Pushing Daisies.

Anonymous said...

He knows someone who works on the show.

Jason Adams said...

Okay, y'all figured me out... I'm really Kristin Chenoweth. Surprise!

Or, what Dale said.

Or... both. You decide!

Jake said...

Thank you so much for the pics! great article. Still very upset that it got canceled, but i'm confident in the post production fix.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for that!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful, heartfelt text. Thank you for that.

Devin said...

Thanks for that. Even if most of us can't see them yet, just knowing that someone has seen the last episodes and that they're as good as we'd hope- well, that helps a little.

maggisaar said...

This touched my heart and made me so sad at the same time. I can't wait to see the last episodes.

And I just hope and pray there is a movie or something.

Oh Pushing Daisies, how I love thee...

capitanqueso said...

ask the guy for a copy and share it by e- mule or torrent to show this abc rats

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much ;_; I'm almost crying here and I didn't even see it ;____;
Damn you ABC²
Unbelievable how people do wrong choices these days.