Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Golden Trousers Award For "One More..."

"... Olive Branch Offered Up To Slumdog Millionaire"
goes to:

Slumdog Millionaire

As long as I'm fessing up a wealth of positive thoughts this afternoon, I remembered one more happy thought that Slumdog gives me that I accidentally left off the previous post but figured what the hey I'll give it it's own award.

When I was waiting in line to see Slumdog at the theater in Lincoln Center, Frances McDormand and her hubby Joel Coen walked by me. Frances effin' McDormand!

So if I hadn't gone to see Slumdog, I might never have been in the presence of that divine creature. Thank you, Slumdog!


Matt Kilgore said...

see there, slumdog is out to please, the golden retriever of oscar hopefuls, all it wants is to be loved and accepted! this sounds condescending but i actually love it... glad theres at least a modicum of positivity in the blog world for slumdog.

Glenn Dunks said...
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Glenn Dunks said...

My main problem is the contrast between the reputation as been a lovely, charming, heartwarming tale filled with sunshine and beauty compared to what it really is. Take, for example, the picture you used with it's beautiful lensing and framing and the oh-so-delicate way the light is streaming in. And then remember that the picture is actually of the lead character taking a shit.
