That slash is all wrong in his movie's title.
This is how it should have read:
This is how it should have read:

I mean, bless Frank Langella, he's a trooper, he was Dracula for heaven's sake, but from where I was sitting this was Michael Sheen's movie and I couldn't take my eyes off of him. Terrific work, Mr. Sheen.
Everybody was calling that wedding movie Anne Hathaway's Norbit, but at least she got a nomination - why is nobody calling Underworld: Rise of the Lycans the murderer of Sheen's buzz?

Because he never had any buzz? Oh, yes, right you are.
Well, I couldn't take my eyes off of him anyway. Except when Ron Howard's unparalleled directorial lameness was getting in the way, that is. What a turd Opie is behind the camera. Blecch.
Could not agree with you more. I've had a secret crush on him ever since The Queen and thought he was fantastic in this.
I agree also. That's two for two where he kicked ass and was overshadowed by a more famous actor.
Sheen should be nominated in Best Actor and Langella in Supporting.
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