Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Moment I Fell For... Sarah Polley



Ross said...

What movie is that? I first took notice of her in Exotica and really fell for her in Dawn of the Dead. But at this point, I think I'm mostly looking forward to more of her directorial work.

Jason Adams said...

It's from The Sweet Hereafter. I loved her in that movie. And then Go. And then Dawn of the Dead. With little sprinklings of love in between.

I too look forward to her directing more, but I think I'd die if she quit acting altogether. I just adore her. Worship. Die for. Et cetera spazziness.

PIPER said...

I love Polly.

And The Sweet Hereafter is a dark favorite.

She's got a dryness about her that I love. Like she's been there and seen everything. Every delivery has a hint of disinterested sarcasm.

Ross said...

I have to go back and watch that one again - it's obviously been too long since I've seen it! I really like her version of the song One More Colour from that. Is there anything she doesn't do?

J.D. said...

The sorrow in her eyes during that entire scene really did it for me. I knew I already loved her, but, gahh.

Anonymous said...

Dawn of the Dead. That was my moment. I am a bit of a latecomer to Sarah's charms, but when I saw the first fifteen minutes of this movie 18 months ago... it was when she slumped out of the car and said 'please' to Ving Rhames, and those huge, amazing eyes. That was that. Head over heels, stars exploding, totally, utterly, completely in love. I adore the way that she embodies every virtue that I most admire - and I love the way that she communicates so much emotion without saying a word. Watch her in The Claim - the way her face crumples from anger to devastation when the man she loves shoots someone. Incredible woman.

From Dave 'Doctorzero99'