Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Moment I Fell For... Kate Winslet



scroggins said...

I was late: For me it was either when she said, "Yeah, and why don't we nail his penis (scrotum?) over the entrance to the public library?" or the way she reacts to Patrick Wilson sneaking up behind her in the laundry room, or the way she orders the bathing suit out of the catalogue over the phone, or the...her entire performance in Little Children.

Jason Adams said...

That scene ordering the swimsuit is CLASSIC, harry. She's so wonderful in that movie. It's not one I want to watch very often because of the oft-grimness of the material, but I need to pop it in again. If nothing else, there's always Patrick Wilson's perfect ass.

scroggins said...

Grim, yes, but a walk in the park compared to In the Bedroom.

Lucky said...

I've always liked her, but the moment I fell for her was a small scene in Little Children, when a woman in the book club, talking about Madame Bovary (I think) says something along the lines of "Did she really think he was going to run away with her?" and Kate pauses for a second and mutters "...probably". It stayed with me.