Monday, August 18, 2008

Tropic Thunder In 150 Words Or Less

Go away, Tom Cruise.

Go away, Matthew McConawhatever.

You are not making me laugh.

I hate you.

I've already decided that I am liking Jack Black in this movie - a monumental feat - and that effort has eclipsed any patience I have for you two and your mugging. Not funny.

Go away.


Catherine said...

Call him Matthew Mahogany. Geddit? 'Cause he's wooden.

Anonymous said...

I disagree completely.

I usually don't Like Cruise--liked him a lot here. Usually can take or leave McConaughey, liked him here.

Loved the movie whole bunches.

Jason Adams said...

I liked the movie a lot. I thought Cruise had his moments, but mostly I just realized I can't even stand looking at him anymore. Which doesn't bode too well for Valkyrie...

As for McBongo, can the man even act anymore? Because all I saw was him playing his same tired-ass "Duuuude..." schtick, and I hated every second he was on-screen.

But like I said, I liked Jack Black in it, which is SO very difficult to accomplish where I'm concerned.

If there'd been less of those two, though, the film would've gotten a B+ from me.

Glenn said...

I saw the trailer last Thursday at The Strangers and the only moment I laughed was Jack Black's fat people movie bit. Other than that it looked horrible. Not as horrible as Step Brothers, which they also showed a trailer for.