Wednesday, August 06, 2008

I Am Link

All sorts of interestingish casting stuff announced today, along with some other tidbits... let's take a look-see, huh?

--- Inglorious Bastard #1 - The first official casting news for Tarantino's Inglorious Bastards comes out, and... it's Eli Roth? Yes, of course it is... I don't know why I couldn't see this coming beforehand. I thought Roth was just fine in Death Proof, and actually very funny in his own Cabin Fever, so I'm cool with this. Especially if he is exploited in a sexual manner. This being a QT film, however, I have my doubts such a thing would occur. He'll find some way to show a woman's feet though, that much is certain!

--- Like A Snake - Rumors are batting about that Natalie Portman wants to star in (and produce) David Gordon Green's remake of Dario Argento's master-work Suspiria as the put-upon dancer Suzy Bannion. I... am not horrified by this prospect. And my lack of horror horrifies me!

--- Hippie Hippie Shake - Three actors have been added to Ang Lee's gay-Woodstock movie Taking Woodstock - Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Emile Hirsch and Imelda Staunton. Morgan will be the married closet-case sleeping with our lead (played by Dimitri Martin), Hirsch is a Vietnam vet, and Staunton is Martin's mom.

--- In non-casting stuff, the latest episode of Final Girl's short film series, Ghostella's Haunted Tomb hit the interweb the other day, and it's LOL-funny y'all. Zombies, doggies, Cher - it has it all!

--- Hour Long Shower Scene - I can't imagine that whatever footage was left out of Hitchcock's Psycho for censors could make it much better, but it'd still be interesting to see some of it... and apparently it exists, because it was aired on German TV the other day. What? How? I don't know. It seems nuts. But me want now please.

--- Boo Goes The Beefcake - I know I am both A) gay and B) a horror fan, so I ought to probably pay attention to a filmmaker like David DeCoteau, who makes gay horror movies. But... they're all so bad! So very bad. I've tried. But he just seems more interested in making cute guys roll around in snug briefs than actually being scary. I bring this up because THR is reporting that he's set to remake a bunch of classic horror tales, such as "Edgar Allan Poe's "The Pit and the Pendulum" and adaptations of works by H.G. Wells and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle" but give them a gay twist. Which will mean... lots of cute boys in snug briefs, I'm sure. I mean, I like looking at cute boys in snug briefs too, obviously, but the scales are tipped so far in his flicks into soft-core and the acting is just non-existent... I just really don't see the point of what he's been doing. It's not scary, and it's not terribly titillating either.

--- On the other side of the queer-horror scale, we have Clive Barker, who actually seems to want to genuinely scare us, and for that I am grateful. Via STYD comes the start of a viral campaign that Barker's doing for the next adaptation of his work (which will hopefully be better treated than the previous one, Midnight Meat Train) called Dread. And it's creepy! God bless creepy.


Anonymous said...

One gay slasher film I really enjoyed was "HellBent", set in West Hollywood during Halloween. I found it scary and funny, with just enough beefcake. Maybe try that out if you haven't seen it.

Joe Reid said...

Ugh. I really hate Jeffrey Dean Morgan. He's fine for Watchmen because I'm supposed to hate him there, but...ugh. Why you gotta hurt me like this, Ang?

scroggins said...

I dunno, Jason. Don't you just get kind of a "raging douchebag" vibe from Eli Roth?

He was supposed to be one in "Death Proof," I know, but...I just hate his shit-eating grin and his thick black eyebrows and the vibes I mentioned. It's cool that he loves Takashi Miike, and I liked his interview with Miike on the Gozu special features, but...the vibes, man, the vibes.

I think his presence in Inglorious could prove distracting. For now, I'll defer to Tarantino's judgment.