Did you know that Luke Goss, aka the actor who played Prince Nuada in Hellboy II: The Golden Army seen above, was in a British boy band with his twin brother in the 1980's called Boys?

Hee. Although if I'd read any of the interviews with him before the movie, I might've known that, since scanning through some of them now they all seem to mention it. I'm sure he just loves that. Here he and his brother are recently:

Ahh twins. Anyway, this isn't the first time Goss has heaped on the make-up to play a villain for Guillermo del Toro; he was also Nomak in Blade II...

I guess he gets called in for villain duty on first sequels. Betcha he can't wait for the second Hobbit movie to happen. I digress... while I had a mixed (tepid, really) reaction to Hellboy II overall - awesome visual creations, of course; but otherwise... I think Hellboy as a character just leaves me cold - I thought Goss made for a fine villain. Fine in many ways, really...

Yum times 8... or however many pictures this is. My mental capacities have failed me but the other body parts are working fine.
Bros were shockingly bad. And not even in an it-was-the-end-of-the-80's-so-it's-ok-bad, just really shit!
If you were a fan of Bros (I was) you were labelled a "Brosette" and you had to wear turned up stone washed denim jeans which were never fashionable.
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