Monday, July 21, 2008

The Dark Knight In Zero Words Or Less


My opinion on The Dark Knight is going to have to wait for broadcast until I can see it a second time, this time with a sound-system that actually works and doesn't zap in and out and sound as if it's been recorded on a tape-deck and played through a wind-tunnel for 75% of the film.

I sat through the entire thing anyway, so technically I have already seen the film, but all I was paying attention to was the mutilated soundtrack... and I can't voice an opinion on it that way.

Some time this week I will see it again. Stay tuned for my opinion well after the world has stopped caring, then!

For now, you could check out the already well-dated pair of posts I did on the film over at The Film Experience last week - here and here. Or you can read what my friend Sean and what my friend Joe had to say on it... I have a feeling I'll be leaning towards their end of the praise-spectrum once I do allow myself an opinion.

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