"I now forgive Calvin Klein for previously hiring Justin Bieber as a model. I literally stopped buying the brand at that. I will reconsider now."--- MNPP commenter Dan approves, as do we all, of CK's use of Aaron Taylor-Johnson as their latest underwear model. Our baby boy is looking good!
You forgot the part where, at the same moment you're spitting, you're also punching Mark Wahlberg and Zooey Deschanel in the nards.
I was sort of slack-jawed at how bad Wahlberg was being - although I had heard warning beforehand, of course - but then I realized everybody in the movie (except crazy old Betty Buckley, who was totally out-of-place but a hoot all the same) was absolutely terrible and it was obvious M.Night wasn't bothering to offer any direction to any actors at all. It did make it clear though that Wahlberg desperately needs a stern directorial hand (PT Anderson, David O'Russell) more than most to be any good though, because without it he is unbelievably awful.
See, and I thought the opposite. I thought since everybody was acting the same degree of weird-ass that Shyamalan had clearly directed them to do so, for whatever fucked-up reason. Even when Mark's bad or uninspired in a movie, it's in a much more low-key vein. I have to believe that this was the director cutting his actors off at the knees.
I dunno; everything was just so sloppy, even the things that are usually Night's strengths - the editing and the shot composition was just lousy, and that's what he's usually best at. The whole movie felt like he just wasn't there. I think Night might be feeling a little lost. I think he needs a break, maybe. It made me sad.
i would consider this movie a comeback... it was totally dreadful BUT it was less totally dreadful than "Lady in the Water," which i would rank alongside "Vanilla Sky" as worst hollywood movie ever made.
God, this movie was useless.
This is good.
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